Promote productive economy
Objective 1.1: Boosting Productivity through Entrepreneurship, Skill
Development, and Access to Finance and Markets
1. Empowering
the human resource of productive age group through entrepreneurship development
2. Encouraging
disadvantaged people (disadvantaged due to gender, age, caste or disability,
families of people in foreign employment, families of people in prison etc.) and
people returning from foreign employment to gain financial access and
productive investment
3. Advocating
and collaborating with all levels of government (especially local and provincial
governments) and the private sector to promote policies and practices that
create employment opportunities for the workforce of productive age and support
small and medium enterprises
4. Facilitating access to technology and innovation for entrepreneurs to enhance productivity and competitiveness
Objective 1.2: Developing Competent Labor Force and Protecting Labor Rights
1. Advocating
for right to employment of disadvantaged people of all age, gender, caste and
2. Providing
modern and compatible skill training to productive age group
3. Advocating
for decent work, equal wage, safer migration and labor rights, inland and
4. Creating awareness and implementing measures to prevent workplace discrimination and harassment, ensuring a safe and inclusive working environment
Objective 1.3: Advancing Sustainable Infrastructure, Industrialization, and
Alternative Energy Access
1. Advocating
and collaborating for the production and development of renewable, reliable and
sustainable energy
2. Taking
initiatives to ensure access to renewable, reliable and sustainable energy for
disadvantaged section of community (due to the ages, genders, castes and
3. Advocating
and collaborating for infrastructure improvement with a focus on innovation
4. Promoting public-private-community partnerships (PPCP) for sustainable industrialization
Objective 1.4: Promoting Sustainable Production and Consumption in Agriculture
and Natural Resources
capacity of farmers and other nature-dependent communities to adopt sustainable
practices and technologies and access to resources
2. Promoting
modern, practical, climate resilient and sustainable agriculture production
3. Promoting
sustainable business of agricultural products, non-timber forest products and
other natural resources
4. Advocating
consumer rights while promoting productive economy