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Wealth Building Financial Services for Nepali Migrant workers and their remittance receiving family member.

The Wealth-Building Financial Services project was implemented in Kanchanpur and Kailali districts of Nepal, specifically targeting Laljhadi Rural Municipality and Krishnapur Municipality in Kanchanpur, as well as Godawari Municipality and Dhangadhi Sub-Metropolis in Kailali. This initiative aimed to address the financial literacy gaps among the families of Nepali migrant workers and promote sustainable wealth-building practices.


  1. Improve financial literacy: Equip remittance-receiving family members with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage and utilize the funds received.
  2. Promote wealth-building practices: Encourage saving, investment, and productive use of remittances to secure long-term financial stability.
  3. Strengthen Financial Inclusion: Connect families with accessible and affordable financial services to enhance their economic opportunities.

Key Activities:

  • Financial Literacy Training: Conducted workshops and awareness sessions to educate families on budgeting, savings, debt management, and investment strategies.
  • Community Engagement: Engaged local stakeholders, including banks, cooperatives, and community organizations, to facilitate access to financial services.
  • Customized Support: Provided tailored guidance to families on effective utilization of remittances to meet their needs and improve their livelihoods.


The project empowered migrant workers' families with critical financial skills, enabling them to transform remittances into tools for wealth creation. By fostering a culture of savings and investment, the initiative contributed to the long-term economic resilience of families in Kanchanpur and Kailali